Minggu, 11 Oktober 2020

SOS4LOVE Project 2020


The fourth point of SDGs program is "Quality Education"

In the message I wrote, I would like to convey that most schools in Indonesia apply the equalization of intelligence standards among students.  Students who are considered intelligent are students who are good at mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.  While students who are not good at these subjects are considered less intelligent. Though intelligence is divided into several kinds.  Not only about intelligence in mathematics.  but there are also linguistic intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, existential intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence.

My Target: 

I hope that in the future education in Indonesia can be more flexible and give students the freedom to choose what they want to learn, according to their talents and interests. So that the standard of intelligence is not only fixed on intelligence in the field of mathematics. Because basically every student has their own talents and strengths and cannot be equalized to one another.



My Motto:

Spread love, not hate. Let's help each other. Problem will be resolved if faced together.

 Greetings of Love to All! 


In the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic, we should face this problem together. We should spread love to strengthen each other in facing this problem, don't spread hatred unnecessarily. We must unite our hopes, determination and spirit to face Covid-19. Because actually united is stronger than standing alone. Let's spread love with each other. Make the world even more beautiful!